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03/16 - The Best iOS Development Links

03/16 - The Best iOS Development Links

The best iOS development links from March 2016.


Swift 2.2 Released!: “We are very pleased to announce the release of Swift 2.2! This is the first official release of Swift since it was open-sourced on December 3, 2015. Notably, the release includes contributions from 212 non-Apple contributors — changes that span from simple bug fixes to enhancements and alterations to the core language and Swift Standard Library.”

Event Recap: Apple Announces iPhone SE, 9.7-inch iPad Pro, New Apple Watch Bands: All you need to know about Apple’s March event.

Apple releases iOS 9.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch featuring Night Shift, Touch ID Notes and more: “Following a lengthy beta period, Apple has now released iOS 9.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. iOS 9.3 is a significant feature update for Apple’s mobile operating system, with brand new additions like Night Shift, Touch ID Notes and more. iOS 9.3 runs on every iOS 9-capable device, including the brand new iPhone SE. The update appears to weigh in at a hefty 1.7 gigabytes.”



Using Swift Extensions The “Wrong” Way: When you should use extensions.

iOS Interview Problems via Swift 2.2: The Two-Sum: “So I figured I’d post the occasional problem here as solved via Swift. Starting with the ever popular “Two-Sum” problem. The Two-Sum problem has been asked of me several times throughout interviews. The problem is a variation of the “subset sum” problem. The subset sum problem requires dynamic programming (fun-fun) to solve, but the two-sum problem is much simpler and can be solved in O(n) time.”

Pattern Matching, Part 1: switch, enums & where clauses: “From a simple switch to complex expressions, pattern matching in Swift can be quite powerful. Today we’re gonna start exploring it by seing some cool usages of switch, before going further in later articles with even more advanced pattern matching techniques.”

Swift Enums Cookbook: “Swift Enums are super handy. With associated values, they can be used in some quite interesting ways. Today we’ll check out a couple. These aren’t working examples, but might spark some ideas. Let’s take a look.”

Afternoon Whoa: Swift’s guard case =“What is your take on using the Swift 2 “guard case” syntax vs using the “~=” expression pattern?”

iOS Development

I ? Storyboards & Nibs“One of my favorite talks at @tryswiftconf (ok, every talk was my favorite!) was when @helenvholmes talked about how to get designers into code. One of the big things to do is very obvious – use Storyboards! Immediately, this comment was a bit controversial among developers.”

Scene Kit Tutorial with Swift Part 1: Getting Started“This tutorial series will show you how to create your first game with Scene Kit, Apple’s built-in 3D game framework.”

Alamofire Tutorial: Getting Started“Alamofire is a Swift-based HTTP networking library for iOS and Mac OS X. It provides an elegant interface on top of Apple’s Foundation networking stack that simplifies a number of common networking tasks.”

Building a Fitness App Using HealthKit to Track Walking Distance“Today, we’ll be building a fun little app that both reads information from HealthKit and writes new data. Meet OneHourWalker.”

Think Like a Swift Developer: Whiteboarding“Earlier this week, our collective was able to delegate a small project to myself and another developer. Once again, my mind raced through the gambit of emotion. Most of that emotion was excitement. Knowing that you are about to solve someone’s problem, with a iOS solution, is intoxicating.”

Supporting Peek & Pop on Older Devices with PeekPop“Peek/Pop are great features, it’s a shame only our users with the latest hardware can take advantage of them. Today, we’ll check out a brand new library that aims to remedy this. It’s from Roy Marmelstein and called PeekPop. Let’s dive in.”

On This Blog

Should You Still Learn Objective-C?: Since the introduction of Swift there are two important languages in the Apple ecosystem. Swift has become quiet popular in the meantime, so that it’s a good question whether you should still learn Objective-C or not.

Swift: Avoiding C-Style For-Loops: C-style for-loops will be removed in Swift 3. This may seem a little bit strange at first sight. But Swift has some features that allow better loop structures.

Q&A: How Much Importance Does Graduating From University Have For Becoming An iOS Developer?: I’m regularly getting questions about iOS development. This one is about the importance of graduating from university for becoming an iOS developer.

The 10 Best iOS Development Blogs: A list of the the ten best iOS development blogs in no particular order.

How to blog regularly?: Blogging has great benefits for developers. But in order to build a successful blog, you have to blog regularly.

Android Development For iOS Developers – An Overview: In this article we look into Android from an iOS development point of view.

NSTimer – Repeat: The NSTimer class is a workhorse, but it’s also complex. If the NSTimer API didn’t already exist, what kind of API might we like to have?


Title Image: @ Gustavo Frazao /