10/15: The Best iOS Development Links

The best iOS development links in October 2015.
- guard & defer: A new article by @NSHipster. This time about “guard” and “defer”, which are two new control statements in Swift 2.
- Literals in Playgrounds: Playgrounds are a very powerful tool every iOS developer should use. In this post, Apple describes the newest playground feature in Xcode 7.1, which allows you to use resources like images and files in your playground simply by drag and drop.
- Thinking in Swift, Part 3: Struct vs. Class: Another post in the “Thinking in Swift” series by @aligatr. Learn how to use structs.
- Thinking in Swift, Part 4: map all the things!: The second article by @aligatr. This time bout using the “map” and “flatMap” function on optionals.
- When to use map, flatMap, or for loops in Swift: The “map” function is a very useful feature in Swift. However, it doesn’t mean that you should never use a normal loop again. By @mokagio.
- Lessons learned with 3D Touch: Great introduction to both shortcuts and peek & pop by @instagram.
- Monty Hall: Nice reaction to my Monty-Hall article by @oisdk.
- 3D Touch in Swift: A Retrospective: @FlexMonkey made a bunch of very good blog posts about 3D touch in the last few weeks. Read his retrospective to learn more about it.
- Notions of Equality in Swift: Very detailed article about Equality in Swift. By @austinzheng.
- Swift Radio: Great open source radio station app by @goFecher.
Image: @ Gustavo Frazao / shutterstock.com