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iOS Dev & Swift Newsletter #1

The first month of the year is already over! In the first few weeks, there were already very interesting blog posts and YouTube videos in the world of iOS development and Swift.

iOS Dev & Swift Newsletter #1
Photo by Glen Carrie / Unsplash

iOS Development

Code styling is both a subjective and important topic. In this post, Daniel James makes many good proposals.

How Senior iOS Engineers Style Code: Performance And Clarity
This article is the result of studying Swift Style from The Pragmatic Bookshelf and lived experience. Any level iOS engineer can use this…

Watch this video if you want to know how to create the sliders of the iOS control center:


This is a short but good post about the options for adding animations to SwiftUI views:

Understanding basic animations in SwiftUI
Learn different options to animate SwiftUI views in your iOS applications. Understand the two animation options animation(_:value:) view modifier and the withAnimation(_:_:) global function.

Async/await is great, but it's even greater if you know how to combine it with the good old completion handlers:

How to use async/await with completion handlers | Danijela’s blog
When the new Swift concurrency model was announced at WWDC 2021 we all wanted to jump on that wagon. However, rewriting your entire codebase might not be the best solution. Instead, you have the option to slowly start adapting the new model by bridging the old code with the new.

Performance is an important topic and understanding big O notation helps you to write efficient algorithms. Additionally, it's also important to know about this topic in coding interviews.

Big O notation in Swift
This article will help novice iOS developers understand the performance of algorithms in Swift.

Back in the day, there was no automatic reference counting. Today you have ARC and it's great. However, that doesn't mean you cannot make mistakes. For example, it's still possible to create a so-called retain cycle. So it's good to understand how memory management works in Swift:

Dive into Swift’s Memory Management
Swift uses ARC to track and deallocate unused objects. Learn about the three types of reference counts and how ARC works — in this post

Productivity and Career

We all know it - we start a shiny new project, but after a few weeks we don't work on it anymore. If you want to change that, read this post:

Say Goodbye to Unfinished Pet Projects — Here’s How to Effectively Plan
Stop watching your pet projects collect dust

Everybody likes the idea of becoming an entrepreneur, but how about becoming an intrapreneur?

Achieving Success in the Corporate World: The First Principal Agent Mindset
Entrepreneurship may sound appealing, but it is not easy. Working for a company can be great if you find the right fit. Act as the first principal agent to climb the corporate ladder. Think independently, take ownership, build a strong reputation and advance together with your employer.


if let shorthand syntax in Swift
Using optional binding is very common in Swift. With the if let shorthand syntax it is easier to write and read. It has been introduced with Swift 5.7 and Xcode 14. if let for optional binding Optional binding is used to access optional in a safe way. For example,
SwiftUI: Alert
Alert is equivalent to UIKit’s UIAlertView in SwiftUI. This post is about creating and presenting an alert in SwiftUI. Hint: This post has been updated to Swift 5.7 and Xcode 14.2 Creating an alert in SwiftUI Creating an alert in SwiftUI is very straightforward: Alert(…
Should You Still Learn UIKit?
SwiftUI is becoming better and better. So the question arises for new iOS developers whether UIKit is still relevant enough to learn it.
Xcode for Windows?
Xcode for Windows doesn’t exist. Let’s look at the alternatives.