Xcode: Markup For Playgrounds

In this post you will learn how to use markup for Playgrounds.
Hint: This post uses Xcode 8.1 and Swift 3.
Let’s start by looking at how the markup language works. Just start a new Playground and write the following lines:
/*: # Title Text */ var i: Int = 0
Now click ‘Editor -> Show Rendered Markup’ and you’ll get this result:
You can switch back to the unrendered view by clicking ‘Editor -> Show Raw Markup’. It’s a little bit cumbersome though to use the menu for this task. It is better to add a shortcut for this operation. You can add a shortcut at ‘Xcode -> Preferences… -> Key Bindings -> Show Rendered Markup’:
All markup expressions are always inside comments, followed by “:” at the beginning of the comment:
/*: # Title */ //: # Title
You can use three different kinds of headers:
/*: # Heading ## Heading 2 ### Heading 3 */
Internet links
Of course you can also add internet links:
//: [iOS development blog](http://www.thomashanning.com)
This will be rendered as follows:
Playground Page links
You can not only link outside of the playground, but also to other pages within the same playground. By the way: New playground pages can be created by clicking ‘File -> New -> Playground Page’. Now, if you want link to a Playground Page that is called ‘ExamplePage’, use the following:
//: [Example Page](ExamplePage)
You can also link to the next or the previous page by using @previous and @next:
/*: [Link to the previous page](@previous) [Link to the next page](@next) */
The order is determined by the the order of the pages inside the navigator.
You can also easily create lists:
/*: ### List with bullet points: * Line 1 * Line 2 */
It will be rendered like this:
You can also have different levels by using indentations:
/*: ### List with bullet points: * Line 1 * Line 1 a * Line 1 b * Line 2 */
Of course also numbered lists are possible:
/*: ### List with numbers: 1. Line 1 2. Line 2 */
You can display images that are located inside the ‘Resources’ folder of your playground. You can just drag and drop the image into the playground, if the navigator is open:
Now you can display the image inside your playground:
/*:  */
The alternate text will be displayed, if the image cannot be loaded.
Bold and italic
It’s also possible to use bold and italic:
/*: *italic* **bold** */
Title Image: @ zlikovec / shutterstock.com