01/18 - The Best iOS Development Links

The best iOS development links from January 2018.
Swift Non-Nil Values In An Array Of Optionals
Swift is a very straightforward language, but when it comes to optional pattern matching, there are some very useful things that are not so obvious. This article is about handling the non-nil values of an array of optionals.
OAuth 2.0 with Swift Tutorial
This tutorial is not new, but has been updated to Swift 4.0. Since OAuth is a very important protocol when it comes to security and authorisation, it’s worth to read this tutorial again.
iOS Development
Best iOS hacks from Twitter: December Edition
There are countless tweaks and tricks for iOS developers. This article is a nice collection of them – discovered on Twitter.
My interpretation of functional programming
Interesting podcast with special guest Chris Eidhof.
How To Secure iOS User Data: The Keychain and Biometrics – Face ID or Touch ID
Both Face ID and Touch ID are very secure features to protect your user’s data. This tutorial teaches you how to use them.
The Ultimate Guide to iOS Storyboards in Xcode: UI prototyping, containers, segues and custom views
A very long post about storyboards! First, the pros and cons of storyboards are discussed. Then you will learn how you can actually use storyboards.
Health and Fitness for Developers
This article is about the most important resource you possess: your health. Read it, apply it. Period.
Working with URL Schemes in iOS Apps
Nice article about using and creating URL schemes on iOS.
On this blog
Top Ten Most Popular Posts Of 2017
The beginning of the year is a good time to look back, so I put together a list of the ten most popular posts of 2017. The ranking is based on the number of page views.
iPhone X: Safe Area
iPhone X is a huge update and you should adapt your apps for it. In this post we will discuss how you can use the so-called safe area to do so.
Push Notifications and Local Notifications – Tutorial
By using notifications, you can notify the user about important events even when the app is not running. In this tutorial you will learn how you can implement both local and push notifications.
Xcode for Windows?
Xcode for Windows – many developers are wondering whether that exists. In this article we will answer this question. Furthermore, we will discuss which alternatives you have, if you don’t have a Mac, but want do to some iOS and Swift development anyway.
Title Image: @ Gustavo Frazao / shutterstock.com