Looking For Guest Bloggers

Are you interested in becoming a guest blogger on this site? Then read this post and contact me!
Recently the first guest posts have been published on this blog:
- The Grand Transition by @pbellot
- How To Show And Hide A Date Picker From A Table View Cell by @freddymontas
It was a very positive experience for me, so that I want to publish even more guest posts.
What’s in it for you?
I’ve already pointed out that blogging has many benefits. You’ll have the great opportunity to speak to a big audience because this blog gets about 20,000 page views/month and counting. So this is a very good way to market yourself. But most importantly, blogging is a great learning opportunity because teaching is the best way to learn!
What’s in it for me?
I want to publish more and diverse content, so I need your help. And besides that, working together on a blog post makes a lot of fun!
What can you write about?
Basically everything that is related to iOS development or programming in general.
What am I expecting?
Of course there are some things I’m expecting from guest bloggers:
- You have to be very enthusiastic about iOS development.
- You have to be able to deal with criticism. After you have created your submission, I will review it and I will give you feedback. Please be prepared… 😉
- You have to use Google Documents. In my experience it’s the best way to work together on a post.
- You already have a concrete blog post idea.
- Please be prepared that it could take some weeks until a finished post gets published. But I’ll inform you about the exact date.
How can you do it?
Please fill out this form. Please be prepared that requests could be declined.
Title Image: @ underve / shutterstock.com