Top Ten Most Popular Posts Of 2015

The end of the year is a good time to look back, so I put together a list of the ten most popular posts of 2015. The ranking is based on the number of page views.
#1: How To Stay Up-To-Date On iOS Development
iOS development is changing very quickly. Not a long time ago, nobody knew about Swift and size classes. Today, they are essential tools and techniques every iOS developer should know. So learning regularly is very important for every iOS developer. However, it is not easy to stay up-to-date. In this post we discuss the best methods to do so.
#2: Should You Use Objective-C Or Swift?
At the moment Apple has two major programming languages. So should you use Objective-C or Swift?
#3: Swift 2.0: API Availability Checking
Swift is all about safety. With the introduction of the automatic API availability checking in Swift 2.0, there is another great new feature that makes your apps more stable.
#4: Swift: Using Local Closures
Closures are often used as function arguments. But sometimes there are situations where local closures can be very handy.
#5: Five Myths About Swift
Swift is still a very young technology, but there are already a lot of myths about Swift.
#6: UIPopoverPresentationController
Since iOS 9, UIPopoverController is deprecated. Time to introduce the UIPopoverPresentationController, which is available since iOS 8.
#7: Singletons In Swift
Some people love it, some people hate it – but in the end everybody uses it: the singleton pattern. It is used if just one instance of a class is desired. For example, that could be a database connection.
#8: A Trick To Discover Retain Cycles
Although ARC does most of the memory handling work for you, your app can still suffer from so-called retain cycles. So it is very important to discover them.
#9: Error Handling In Swift 2.0
Swift 2.0 has a new way of error handling. It uses a do-try-catch syntax, which is the replacement for NSError. In this post we will discuss how to use this new syntax.
#10: Swift 3 And Beyond
On December 3, 2015, the Swift language was released as open source. It also involves a roadmap for Swift 3, which will be released in fall 2016.
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